Upgradation even after customization
Upgradation even after customization
Business Intelligence
What is it?
Business Intelligence tool is the one which converts huge raw data into meaningful information enabling everyone to leverage data into business advantage. It helps the user to explore the data and draw insights and meaningful conclusions from it.
Analysis from multiple dimensions in a single screen
BI tool allows the user to analyze the business data from multiple dimensions. For example a sales data can be analyzed from various dimensions like, items, item groups, customers, areas, states, countries, sales reps, days, weeks,months, quarters, years etc.
When the number of dimensions becomes too much it will become difficult to draw reports in any software producing static reports and maintain them. The way BI renders these analytical reports on a single screen is really mind blowing.
User clicking on the elements of a dimension, the display of report changes to show only for the selected dimension. The user can think of asking any question combining any number of dimensions in any order he wants.